T. Scott Wellness

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Quitters Never Win

I'll be honest. For a minute, I lost sight of my goals. 

I gave up on my fitness journey. 

I gave up on my business. 

I gained the weight that I had lost back. 

I allowed myself to accept where I was and I tried to make myself satisfied with that. I wasn't seeing or making the progress that I wanted so I decided to quit. Yet, I forgot one simple lesson that my mom taught me a long time ago...

Quitters never win. As the saying goes, 

quitters never win and winners never quit

The going gets tough sometimes but that's the best part of the journey. You have to overcome adversity in some situations to be able to truly appreciate the triumph. 

It's SO important to remember that change doesn't happen overnight. It's a slow constant that gradually comes together! Sometimes you don't see a major change but your body is changing for the better. Don't just rely on the scale and pictures either! Make sure to take into account how you feel as well. While looking through my fitness apps recently, I noticed that my resting heart rate was significantly lower when I was pushing myself to work out at least twice a week. It didn't look like I was getting much done, but in reality I was. Seeing my prior progress really encouraged me to get back out there and to keep working. 

I know that there is someone out there that feels the same way I felt a couple of week ago and I'm writing this to encourage you to not give up! Just keep pushing and you will get to where you want to be.

Take a moment to step back and assess the situation:

  • Are your goals S.M.A.R.T.?

  • Are you being too hard on yourself? 

  • Are you comparing yourself to others? 

When I took the time to answer those questions myself, I quickly realized some hard truths about where I was. I realized that my goals weren't realistic in some areas and unfortunately, I was comparing myself to others which resulted in me being way too hard on myself. Maybe you're doing the same thing.. maybe you're not. Whatever the case may be, find an accountability person who will remind you of where you are going and who will help keep you encouraged. Sometimes you just need to voice your frustrations out loud to help them pass. 

If you ever need someone to talk to, just send me a message! I can always use an additional accountability partner or two myself. 

Peace, Love, & an extra sprinkle of Perseverance, 


P.S.: Have you ever felt like quitting? How did you keep going? Please share your stories!

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